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Crystals have been used throughout history for their healing qualities and beauty. Many people believe that each stone emits a certain energy which can have a beneficial effect on our well-being. Does it work? Wear one day or take it to bed with you and judge for yourself.
Below are various crystals and their capability
AGATE: Treasured as a good overall healing stone. Believed to help ease painful conditions such as bruises, strains and sprains.
AMETHYST: A very powerful aid to creative thinking, spiritual awareness and healing. Believed to help combat insomnia.
AMETRINE: The entwined powers of Amethyst and citrine make this a unique stone. Believed to be an exceptional cleanser and energizer.
AQUAMARINE: Giving warm-hearted energy, this soothing stone is said to pacify nerves and banish phobia whilst ensuring calm and tranquillity.
AVENTURINE: Helps to reinforce decisiveness and amplify leadership qualities. Good for cleaning anxiety and fear.
BLACK TOURMALINE: A good balancing stone, Tourmaline is believed to cushion against negativity and promote understanding.
BLOODSTONE: Can improve the sense of creativity, decision making and intuition. Said to help purify the blood and cleans toxins.
BLUE LACE AGATE: Helps give a sense of courage and assists in discovering the truth. Believed to be good for strengthening the bones.
CARNELIAN: A good balancer, it connects you with your inner self, giving good concentration. Said to be beneficial to the kidneys, lungs and liver.
CITRINE: Diminishes self-destructive tendencies by raising self-esteem. Good for overall emotional well-being.
FLUORITE/PINK FLUORITE: This stone is believed to bring forth order from chaos, whilst uplifting and inducing relaxation. It is thought to fend off colds.
GARNET: An exquisite stone said to be therapeutic in times of trauma, make a devoted acquaintance of garnet and keep it close to the skin.
HEMATITE: Enhances personal magnetism, will and courage, beneficial for blood flow, stress and the nerves.


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