1. You may succeed if nobody else believes in you, but you will never succeed if you don’t believe in yourself.
2. There is more hope for a fool than a man wise only in his own eyes.
3. Success often depends on knowing how long it will take to succeed.
4. Great opportunities come to all, but many do not know that they have met them.
5. I would like to dream of the future better than to dream of the past.
6. Nothing is as far away than an hour ago.
7. Every man must do two things alone; his own believing and his own dying.
8. You can’t clear your farm while counting the rocks on your neighbor's field.
9. It is a waste of time and energy when you compare your life to that of others.
10. The lazy man is judged by what he doesn’t do.
2. There is more hope for a fool than a man wise only in his own eyes.
3. Success often depends on knowing how long it will take to succeed.
4. Great opportunities come to all, but many do not know that they have met them.
5. I would like to dream of the future better than to dream of the past.
6. Nothing is as far away than an hour ago.
7. Every man must do two things alone; his own believing and his own dying.
8. You can’t clear your farm while counting the rocks on your neighbor's field.
9. It is a waste of time and energy when you compare your life to that of others.
10. The lazy man is judged by what he doesn’t do.
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