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One night Joe had a strange dream. He dreamed that he awoke in a strange room. The lights were on, and seated in a chair was a middle-aged man wearing thick glasses. The man said, “Open the window and walk along the ledge to the corner of the building. There you will find a drainpipe, slide down it to the ground.” Then he faded away. After a while, the dream recurred. This went on all night. In the morning Joe was shaken and exhausted. For several weeks he couldn’t get the dream out of his mind. As time passed, however, it became less vivid.
In the spring of the following year, Joe’s firm sent him East for a tour of sales outlet, and in a small Midwestern town he awoke one night in the same hotel room of his dream. He had not noticed the similarity when he went to bed, but when he awoke he knew at once it was the same room. He looked at the chair by his bedside, fully expecting to see the small gray-haired man who wore glasses, but nobody was there. Yet the feeling of repetition, of exact sameness, was strong and persisted. Joe arose and began to pace back and forth. Almost at once he felt the heat and heard the shouts of terrified people. Running to the window, he saw flames licking out from the floors below him. He ran to the door. Smoke billowed in, fire blazed upward. For an instant he panicked, then he remembered the words of the man in his dream. He went to the window, opened it, found the ledge, and walked along with it to the corner. There was a drainpipe. He slid down it to the ground, blistering his hands in the process, but arriving safely. Dozens of people perished that night. Nobody escaped from the upper floor but Joe. There was considerable speculation over how he had managed.
An old-timer on one of the newspapers, a reporter said to him, “You made it out like old Alex.” Joe asked who Alex was. The reporter told him that there had been a similar fire at the hotel fifteen years before. Alex had been a traveling salesman, and he had escaped from the upper floor by sliding down the drainpipe. Joe wanted to know where Alex was now and was informed that Alex had died. “What did he look like?” Joe asked “Little guy,” said the reporter. “Gray hair wore thick glasses.”


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